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Steel zinc spray antiseptic spray aluminum principle

Time:[2014-6-21]  Hits:4603

Steel zinc spray antiseptic spray aluminum principle

Corrosion-resistant long life compared with its antiseptic life can reach more than 50 years at the same time without the use of anti-corrosion coating corrosion maintenance in any other period of 30 years; 30 years after maintenance is required only in the closed arc spray coating paint brush; without re-spraying, to achieve a preservative coating durable and effective.

Arc spraying a metal substrate layer and a coating having excellent adhesion (up 10Mp above), the metal-sprayed layer and the micro-mechanical mosaic metallurgical combination with the matrix metal, under a slight bend, impact or collision to ensure anti-corrosion coating can be do not drop, can not afford leather, combined with strong, long-term and effective antiseptic, and this is in any other surface corrosion coating can not be achieved.

Foshan Steel zinc corrosion spray aluminum spray arc spraying technology in particular, the most common, it is also more widespread application prospect. Arc spraying using the electric arc spraying principle corrosion equipment, two live wires (such as zinc, aluminum, etc.) for heating, melting, atomization, spraying anti-corrosion coating is formed, plus the long-term preservation of organic coatings closed composite coating notable feature of the coating are:

Steel sprayed aluminum coating spray zinc corrosion principles as cathode maintenance in corrosive environments, even anti-corrosion coating local damage, still has to sacrifice himself to maintain the effect of the steel substrate. Coating (anode) and the steel substrate (cathode) area ratio ≥ 1; the zinc-rich coating over the anode and cathode are <1, and the binding force for the maintenance of the effect is far less than the arc spraying anti-corrosion coating.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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