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The main problem of development of the domestic steel industry exists and Analysis

Time:[2014-6-7]  Hits:4464

Foshan Steel on steel industry is in line with environmental protection and sustainable development of energy-saving type of industry knowledge but also to be in progress. Recent years, government and research institutions, Japan, Canada, Britain and other countries to announce a number of articles devoted to the development of steel structure housing the advantages and measures.

Less steel research and development funding, standards and specification revision cycle is too long; standards and application of the specifications and missing items, lag; steel standards and project planning, construction gaps of standardized procedures.


Steel plant equipment and construction equipment company, computer management, labor productivity needs further improvement and progress.

Steel lack of professional and technical personnel, especially in small and medium companies more missing. Product quality and management can not meet the needs of the market.

The role and function of trade associations far place. Especially in order to regulate and guide the market, service companies, to develop steel market, aspects of the preparation of the revised standards and training of professionals, such as there is still a lot of work to do.

Planning concept and market demand. Such as the current super-tall buildings and most of the special requirements of the bid by a foreign architect planning programs, although they do have in common planning concepts, but the connection nodes are too complex, not only supplies, but also brought equipment for the production and many problems, so that the project cost is too large.

Parts of the steel company blind horse, herd instinct, resulting in overcapacity household waste a lot of resources. Combined with steel prices, disorderly market competition, competing prices down causing loss of processing and device

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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