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Things Digital Steel is to protect the

Time:[2014-6-4]  Hits:7419

Things Digital Steel is to protect the

Lifecycle Management Foshan Steel works including deepening planning, material procurement, manufacturing, installation of four stages. The number of components ranging from thousands of pieces of a project , as many as tens of thousands of pieces , from steel to component parts and then to manage very large amount of information it contains , if the manual registration using management practices , not only inefficient, but correct wins more, almost impossible to achieve from steel to component tracking.

Things modern management system can quickly solve this problem, realize the whole process from raw materials to components in real-time tracking and digital applications will extend to the steel industry, logistics and other sectors . At present, the development of the Internet of Things steel construction management system has been put into use in the Guangzhou East Tower project steel construction. The networking system can project the primary raw material of steel and finished steel components steel warehousing , distribution process-related aspects of real-time monitoring , control object can be accurate to each and every one members one plate , and can interact with data through foundation multi- platform multi-sectoral aspects of data exchange , data management process to achieve , visualization , effectively reducing the error rate of the steel structure of traditional management methods, improved data collection capabilities to further improve the production process of the construction of the steel construction digital management level.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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