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BIM is the foundation of digital Steel

Time:[2014-6-4]  Hits:4680

BIM is the foundation of digital Steel

BIM is a building information model , the use of BIM is a new product handling engineering construction industry following the computer assisted computing, computer assisted drawing after the third stage of development , and it is currently building the application of information technology in a very striking .

According to research data integration Facilities Engineering Center at Stanford University showed that production efficiency construction industry is continuing to decline and become fundamental questions facing the construction industry , but also the construction of the main reasons unpredictable results . Steel processing construction process because the exchange of information is not timely, inaccurate doubt caused a lot of waste of human and material resources , a phenomenon that has profoundly reflected out in countless projects in the past few decades . Although the introduction of computer information technology projects from the assistant handled , but not with each other because they can not complete the service to share data between software among assistant software , making information out of line , a huge amount of work is repeated , the impact of the various aspects of handling collaboration between efficiency and quality .

One of the core values ​​of Foshan Steel BIM channel is to share information to solve the steel works in doubt . Engaged in different positions in engineering who can handle their needs to come up with the information from this model, the results can be both practical guidance updates the corresponding work to the model so that a variety of architectural engineering and technical personnel to understand information to make the right and efficient to share , which played a handle to enhance the project level, shortening the processing chain, improve efficiency, reduce construction costs role.

In the current digital wave intensified , digital engineering handled gradually put on the construction industry to upgrade schedule . Building digital upgrade requires standardized production processes require automatic control facilities and production lines, also need to go through the system integration channel . BIM steel products Steel handle channels is completed industrialization , production automation important digital bridge , is the basis for integrated steel production operations channel hardware and software systems.

In recent years, the construction Steel Co., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as the construction of steel ) relying Construction Corporation P-BIM topics useful to do a lot of positive tests, a preliminary version V1.0 build a steel construction of BIM - Digital Steel structure built processing system . The system consists of design plans , handle manufacturing , material composition data and associated control components of three parts , completed through the interface and software to work together to share information between the management and control while enhancing the strength of steel significantly reduces handling costs, played a Forced steel handle an important role in standardization .

With steel handle in information technology, combined with increasing degree of standardization and steel BIM channel function continues to expand, we will be based on three-dimensional model of steel , further adding data and information , component manufacturing information , component logistics information , structural devices information and schedule , cost and other information , a method to visualize the complete steel 5D digital processing.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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