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Tower of Power lead solo tip Steel

Time:[2014-5-28]  Hits:5056

Reliance on technological innovation, the run-up power construction

East Tower became the city to build a number of landmark tower, in Tower occupation has occupied the high ground. But skilled personnel , said: "We are a leading professional skills not only in the tower , steel career in the East Tower of power has become the leading career ." It seems that people in power steel tower occupations there is a different world.

Although the original Orient tower called " Tower " , but the real job is dominating the market power of steel . In -depth conversation with the tower who learned : advanced technology , professional manufacturing system , the results of the excellent quality of the East Tower ; independent research and development of non-standard equipment and special tooling , save energy , high quality and efficiency , and promote job -related equipment the popularity of the industry ; cross the fusion of professional skills , high-end sound scientific research platform , a combination of the innovation system , driven by the company's skills progress.

Foshan Steel "based on independent innovation , the introduction of digestion and absorption, core skills , build skills, platforms , improve the innovation system," under the guidance of entrepreneurial thinking , the company approved the construction of a number of national key projects.

1 , the country's largest - Huadian Zou County Power

Huadian Zou County power plant is the main power plant in Shandong , the fourth expansion of the installed capacity of 2 × 1000MW, is currently the single largest capacity unit, put into operation after the country became the largest installed capacity of thermal power plant , is the first domestic one batch of one million kilowatts ultra supercritical thermal power units, the national "Eleventh five-Year" key construction projects. East Tower bear the expansion project Zouxian four main steel plant in two units deepening plan and all manufacturing tasks .

2 , the single biggest - Guodian Taizhou Power Plant an

The project is the national "Eleventh Five-Year" key project , the total installed capacity planning 4 million kilowatts . A project to build two sets of one million kilowatts ultra-supercritical coal-fired units , is currently the single largest capacity of thermal power units were put into operation in 2008 . Power grid load center is located in Jiangsu , Jiangsu Power Grid is the hub of the North -South . Not only for the rapid economic rise of the Soviet Union has a strong role in promoting and help strengthen the East China power grid construction and progress grid reliability . Oriental Tower is responsible for 1 #, 2 # unit main control building steel plant and deepen planning a # unit main control building steel plant and production tasks .

3, the international 's first - two lingwu Huadian Power Plant

Current projects selected domestic ultra-supercritical air-cooled generators , the expansion capacity of 2 × 1000MW, is ultra-supercritical 's first one million international air cooling unit for the national " 863 project" and "significant skills and equipment innovation projects ." . East Tower of the works bear the air-cooled steel parts of the island two machines deepen the planning and manufacturing tasks.

Tower With excellent people skills, indomitable will , dare superb spirit, has completed more than dozens of electric steel project to create one after another excellent project for the construction of China's power to make an indelible contribution.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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