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2014 steel prospects

Time:[2014-4-28]  Hits:5022

2013 January-October , the national real estate investment 6.8693 trillion yuan , an increase of 19.2% ; area of ​​959.31 million square meters of commercial housing sales , an increase of 21.8%. 2013 January to September , housing a total area of ​​1.449 billion square meters of new construction , an increase of 7.3% , housing a total construction area of ​​6,039,820,000 square meters , an increase of 15%. China's real estate development and sales markets to maintain high growth.

Prospects Industry Research analysts believe that in recent years , countries have issued policies , such as the " construction industry " second five "plan ", " serious excess capacity on resolving conflicting guidance" etc noted to increase steel in the construction field the use of proportion , to develop green buildings. Meanwhile, the scale of investment real estate , housing construction area etc. to maintain rapid growth. This is the development of China's steel industry has a positive impact on the role . 2013 January to October , China's commercial housing sales area of ​​959.31 million square meters , of which 5% if using steel at 50 kg / m steel calculation , steel demand was approximately 24 million tons , which is a huge market . With the continued growth of China's future real estate investments , the proportion of residential steel structure continues to improve and expand steel market demand is very impressive.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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