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Steel plant installation control

Time:[2014-4-28]  Hits:4427

Before installing steel plant , we need to do all the work. Before premise as lifting, need to re- test the components are installed , it can only lift the element is not deformed, correct installation dimensions. In addition , the installer should also be taken under the base steel columns embedded bolts or close to the premise of the foundation meet the standards required concrete strength test , if you find basic position and horizontal size bias , and then recorded to the area, since the adjustment of the position of the steel columns . In order to improve the accuracy of the whole steel plant installation , a better choice column support , rod and roof support , install the part. After hoisting steel columns these parts must be taken after the wind cable rope steel columns and horizontal axis testing, rectification temporary use of stable steel columns , and then install the support columns , beams and roof beams between the rod , which is called coarse installation. Off before installation of the beam should be assembled on the ground, then lift the measurements confirm eligibility . Take place after the beam has a high strength bolt , and the corresponding parts of the other bolt , but , all the bolts should not be very tight. Each component is fixed after testing steel columns and horizontal axes rectification , which is fine-tuning. Steel columns from the shaft should be tested in both directions, if eligible , and then tighten the bolts of every part . It must take an initial screw high strength bolts , in this process, dynamic tracking steel column axis , the axis changes if value exceeds the allowable value should be adjusted immediately. From the beam contacts the tightening process , in order to support , supporting the contact ends of symmetry and at the same time using the same components , in order to reduce the accumulated error unilateral . Then , it can ensure proper installation of steel columns . If you find that part and the original part fabricated does not fit in this process, it can not adjust the original part , but the adjustment fabricated parts, or take other measures to compensate.

 In the steel plant the installation process, the bent portion of each individual to form a stable structure should be as soon as possible . By the above method , the rest can be installed , so that stability of the whole plant and spaced from the frame structure , the accumulated error can spread to all parts of the building , but also to avoid deformation or closed steel or steel and steel column heading when mounted impact beams in each frame natural conditions , should take independent measurement and rectification , did not allow to take other reference frame . The main structure of high-strength bolts during installation , the installation place, rectification, local frame structure should take a final twist , tightening torque values ​​must meet regulatory requirements , sampling inspection should be measured and recorded .
All temporary fixing bolt holes should be in the field of welding , rectangular hole should be designed so it is easy to install and adjust , it is more advantageous to ensure the accuracy of the overall installation . Purlins or other secondary ingredients unilateral connection hole , you need to design a rectangular hole , of course , related to the gasket will increase accordingly. Pay special attention because purlins installation, aerial work , siding thinner , it will bring a lot of inconvenience , if there is a deviation , because the mounting holes cut spray , which is dangerous, but the appearance may be affected at high altitude . Therefore, the holes at both ends of the steel columns and beams purlins connection hole design rectangle, or , at least unilateral rectangular design will be more reasonable. Sometimes roof support and roof purlins steel roof system installed in the installation , often contradictory . If the initial installation of roof support , roof purlins will not lift , if installed roof purlins , roof supports lifting would be inconvenient . Our usual practice is to lift the roof purlins , beams and fixed shelving bulk concentrate can be divided into 4 or 5 batches of the same span purlins stacked and secured . Let crane boom extends to the roof purlins span continuous space between the groups in the promotion and fixed roof support , then spread roof purlins , construction sequence is very important. Taking into account the main structure of the installation perimeter and construction units are often not the same , it requires a unified command and coordination of experienced management personnel. In this process , not only to avoid mutual interference in the construction of the unit, but also can improve the process of aerial security .
If during the installation process , what needs to be reminded that if you have a crane beam system, but the roof space is not enough distance between the crane girder crane jib is used, it should be installed before the roof support beams installed crane ; crane beam the roof space from the larger , can be installed later. Under normal circumstances, the crane beam hoisting first the stability of the overall framework , which is good . Before installing the color panel , first take the length of color plates , the width is the standard size measurements to determine its purpose is to ensure that the color plate can purlins side, while ensuring that the case of fluctuations in color steel lap length is not less than 120 mm , leakages occur when the rain is heavy. Must straighten purlins, wall color plate before installation , then the attack nails neat, good flatness , very nice.
Steel plant installation method is multifaceted, as a manager , you should constantly sum up , focus on work experience and, therefore, in the future, we will continue to implement the steel plant is installed , then you can not only improve the accuracy of the installation, you can reduce rework quantity , but also can improve the security of high-altitude operations .

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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