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Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel structural engineering

Time:[2023-4-15]  Hits:2469

The construction quality acceptance of the steel structural engineering is an important link to ensure the quality of the steel structural engineering is qualified. The following are some general acceptance specifications. The specific acceptance standards and requirements may vary depending on the region, country or project:

1. Acceptance of steel structure materials: including the certificate of conformity for acceptance of steel, inspection of steel specifications, dimensions, quality, and quantity, as well as the certificate of conformity and quality inspection for welding and connecting materials such as welding rods, welding wires, bolts, etc.

2. Acceptance of steel structure welding: including the qualification of welders and the compliance of welding processes, inspection of the appearance quality of welds, inspection of the size, shape, and quality of welds, as well as testing of the strength and sealing of welded connections.

3. Installation and acceptance of steel structural components: including inspection of the size, position, spacing, and connection method of steel components, inspection of the verticality, levelness, and flatness of components, quality inspection of the fastening, fixation, and welding of component connections, as well as acceptance of the position and elevation of components.

4. Steel structure anti-corrosion acceptance: including construction quality inspection of anti-corrosion coatings, inspection of coating thickness, adhesion, smoothness, and other properties, as well as quality acceptance and testing of anti-corrosion coatings.

5. Acceptance of steel structure safety facilities: including the installation and acceptance of safety facilities such as safety guardrails, safety nets, and fall prevention facilities, to ensure the safety of personnel during the construction process.

6. Acceptance of steel structure quality records: including inspection during the construction process, compliance and completeness inspection of inspection and testing records, including acceptance of welding records, quality inspection reports, test reports, acceptance records, etc.

7. Overall acceptance of steel structure: including the comprehensive acceptance of the appearance quality, size and location of the entire steel structural engineering, to ensure that the steel structural engineering meets the design requirements and relevant specifications.


It should be noted that the code for construction quality acceptance of steel structural engineering may vary from region to region, from country to country and from project to project. The specific acceptance standards and requirements shall be determined according to relevant laws and regulations, design documents and contract agreements

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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