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What are the characteristics of steel structures

Time:[2023-3-18]  Hits:1022

Steel structure is a building structural system composed of steel. Compared with traditional concrete structures, it has the following characteristics:


Light weight and high strength: Steel has a relatively small density, light weight, but high strength. Therefore, the volume of steel structures is smaller than that of concrete structures, with light self weight, and high seismic and wind resistance.


Fast construction speed: Steel structures can be prefabricated in the factory and only need to be assembled on site, which can greatly shorten the construction cycle, accelerate the project progress, and reduce construction costs.


Good durability: Steel has high corrosion resistance and durability, and is not susceptible to oxidation, corrosion, insect attack, and other factors, which can extend its service life.


Strong flexibility: Steel structures can meet different design requirements by adjusting the size, quantity, layout, etc. of components, with strong flexibility and adaptability.


Environmental protection and energy conservation: Steel structures can achieve efficient utilization of resources and sustainable development, with high environmental and energy conservation benefits.


In short, steel structures have the characteristics of light weight, high strength, fast construction speed, good durability, strong flexibility, environmental protection and energy conservation, and are widely used in high-rise buildings, large-span buildings, bridges, factories, stadiums, and other fields.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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