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What should be paid attention to when using magnetic slings for steel structure hoisting?

Time:[2023-1-11]  Hits:1087

Steel structure is composed of steel materials and is one of the main types of building structures. The structure is mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components made of section steel and steel plates. Because of its light weight and simple construction, it is widely used in large workshops, stadiums, super high-rise buildings and other fields. In order to improve the processing power of steel structure plants, people usually use magnetic slings to lift steel plates or sections. What should we pay attention to when using magnetic slings?


1. No damage to steel plate

Welds, bolts or rivets are usually used to connect the members or components of the steel structure. When we use magnetic slings to lift steel plates or profile steel, we should pay attention not to cause deformation of steel structural parts, otherwise, during processing, the workpiece will become unusable and need to be re-grinded before processing. Some enterprises that use hook clamps or wire ropes for lifting may have a deep understanding of it. When using these traditional slings for lifting, it is easy to form deformation of steel plates. When processing in the later stage, the workpiece does not meet the processing requirements, and often requires secondary rework.

2. Adjustable magnetic force

When selecting magnetic slings for hoisting, we need to pay attention to whether the magnetic force of the magnetic slings is adjustable, because the steel structure hoisting is generally not a fixed size specification. If the magnetic force is not adjustable, then the hoisting can only be carried out according to the same size, and we can not avoid the steel plate with multiple specifications when processing the steel structure, Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the magnetic force to meet different steel plate lifting requirements.

3. Regular maintenance

As a lifting tool, the magnetic sling will be used more frequently. We can carry out regular maintenance after use. It is better to carry out maintenance every other time, and adhere to the cleaning of the magnetic sling, which will also make the service life of the magnetic sling longer. As the saying goes, "if you want to do a good job, you must make the best use of the tools". Regular maintenance can not only reduce the probability of safety accidents, but also extend the service life of magnetic slings.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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