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What is the quotation of steel structure engineering usually based on

Time:[2022-11-19]  Hits:1197

Generally, people have two important concerns about the construction of steel structure projects. One is whether the quality of the project can be guaranteed, and the other is how much the project cost is? These are two issues that everyone must be concerned about.

Quality is of appropriate importance for the construction of the project, because quality and safety are the fundamental place of the project, and price is also the focus of our attention. How to choose a manufacturer with a higher cost performance ratio to undertake your project needs to be considered by all parties. Now let's talk about how to quote for the steel structure project.

The quotation of the steel structure project is very exquisite. The construction of the project is not like that we go to the market to buy vegetables and clearly mark the price. Therefore, we cannot directly ask the question of "how much is the cost per square meter of steel structure plant". The attributes of goods are different, and the customer groups are different, so the quotation methods will be different.

The scale of steel structure engineering design is industrial plants, stadiums and gymnasiums, office buildings, warehouses, municipal facilities, etc., and the main customers are enterprises and governments.
The quotation of steel structure engineering usually has two ways: one is based on the size of the building area; The other is based on the amount of steel used.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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