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Analysis of common questions in structural design of agricultural steel frame buildings

Time:[2022-3-28]  Hits:1971

In recent years, steel structure has been widely used in the process of house structure planning. The state has used the method of macro-control, and put forward many guidelines on the application of steel structure in the construction industry to ensure its normal operation. However, the construction skills of construction and design are constantly developing. When the policy is obtained, it will inevitably present many unlucky factors, which will affect the development of the construction industry. In many unlucky conditions, construction designers are required to compensate for their own deficiencies together with their original planning ability, combine their professional common sense with the construction practice of using steel structure skills, increase new common sense and experience of various structural skills, innovate ideas, keep pace with the times, and then promote the development of steel structure skills in the construction of steel structure houses and agricultural steel frame buildings in China.

1.Advantages of steel structure in house structure planning

Now, compared with reinforced concrete, steel structure is increasingly used in building planning. This structure has the following characteristics: the component of steel structure construction data itself is simple, and the negative component of other structures in building construction is small, which avoids the cumbersome area of foundation treatment, reduces the workload and cost of building construction, and shortens the construction cycle; In the face of the current situation of high seismic activity, the steel structure has the characteristics of high hardness, high density and high negative gravity strength, which is conducive to resisting earthquakes, reducing building damage caused by earthquakes, reducing investment risks for construction investors and bringing outstanding economic benefits; In the process of building construction, the steel structure itself has strong pressure resistance, small structural section and small application coverage, which completes the flexibility and beauty of building placement.

2.Analysis of common questions of steel structure in architectural structure planning

2.1 safety and stability of steel structure of agricultural steel frame buildings

In the process of building structure planning, construction engineers usually only pay attention to the questions about the load intensity and deformation of the planned structure, and often neglect the prominent questions about the stability of the applied structure. Whether it is the construction of thermal power plants or residential buildings, they will encounter a series of questions about the stability of steel structures. However, in the planning of buildings (residential houses,agricultural steel frame buildings, commercial prefab steel buildings, industrial steel workshop warehouse, etc.), the stability of steel structure plays a key role in the durability of building application. If an accident occurs due to the poor stability of steel structure in the construction process, it will not only cause serious economic losses to construction investors, but also affect everyone's life and health.

In terms of the safety and stability of steel structure, safety and stability has become the main planning link of steel structure. In the process of analyzing and accounting the building steel structure, the construction engineer first establishes the fundamental model of the building structure according to the measurement data, but there is a certain gap between this fundamental model and the structure of the building in the process of practical construction, and its data will be greatly shaken. In this way, there will be errors between the data using theoretical common sense and the practical situation, which will further lead to the poor stability of the steel structure in the process of building construction. In addition, due to the lack of common sense and experience of construction engineers on the safety and stability of steel structures, they can not clearly understand their structural composition, so they can not accurately understand the importance of safety and stability on the construction of building structures.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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