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how to do waterproof steel?

Time:[2022-1-13]  Hits:2246

We know that Foshan steel structure is a new type of building structure, the use of the current life is not fully popular. The most used in life or the traditional concrete building.
Grid structure is mainly used in some large-scale construction, although there are many advantages of grid structure, but its popularity has not reached the level of the civilian population. Today, we mainly talk about the grid frame steel structure waterproofing measures.
Foshan Steel Structure
1, structural measures, the current use of the Foshan steel structure waterproof material use is not very satisfactory, and the service life is shorter. Therefore, first of all familiar with the framework of the steel structure waterproof structure of the various measures, and waterproof material can not be less.
2, building selection, in order to ensure the waterproof effect of the grid structure, try to use a single ridge form, this is mainly to avoid the ditch in the building, while the edge ditch as far as possible outside the gutter. As for the choice of materials, but also according to the sluice slope, slope length to make a reasonable choice.
3, drainage organization, the regional precipitation intensity is different, so in the design of the drainage organization, we should fully refer to some of the precipitation data to a reasonable arrangement of drainage points.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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