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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
Take you to understand the knowledge of steel structure
With the development of society and the continuous progress of construction technology, the importance of steel structure construction in new construction systems is becoming increasingly prominent. As a new construction system, steel structure has t...
Scope of steel structure quality warranty
The scope of steel structure quality warranty generally includes the following aspects: 1. Warranty Period: Generally, the warranty period for steel structure engineering is two years, that is, from the date of completion acceptance, free maintenanc...
Main reasons for steel structure reinforcement
The main reasons for steel structure reinforcement are as follows: (1) Steel structure defects caused by planning or construction, such as insufficient weld length, excessive reinforcement cutting, excessive section weakening, etc. (2) After the st...
How to distinguish heavy steel structure from light steel structure?
There is indeed no uniform standard to determine the structure of heavy steel and light steel structures. Experienced designers or project managers often cannot fully understand, but we can comprehensively consider and judge some data:1. The lifting ...
Where will Foshan's steel structures be used?
With the continuous development of Foshan steel structure, more and more people will use steel structure as a building. The steel structure has a good durability, a very long time to use, and does not produce construction waste, but also can be reuse...
How to solve the water leakage in the steel structure workshop?
How to solve the water leakage in the steel structure workshop? The slope of steel roofs is usually small, usually less than 6%. The roof leakage of this steel structure building structure is more common in the rainwater area in the south central pa...
What are the advantages of steel structure shed compared with other sheds?
Now the parking problem is a headache for many people. Most of the time, not only shopping malls need parking lots, but also many units need parking sheds to provide convenient parking for employees. Steel structure shed is a popular parking shed now...
Where will Foshan's steel structures be used?
With the continuous development of Foshan steel structure, more and more people will use steel structure as a building. The steel structure has a good durability, a very long time to use, and does not produce construction waste, but also can be reuse...
What are the characteristics of high-rise steel structure in Foshan?
With the continuous application of Foshan steel structure, in addition to the use of steel structure to build low-rise factory buildings, warehouses, shelves and other products, high-rise steel structure building is also constantly developing. High-r...
What are the advantages of steel structure office?
Steel structure buildings have a wide range of space, can take into account the use of more space, now many office buildings will use steel structure to build. Steel structure office is suitable for different industries, and offices of different buil...
What are the common multi-storey steel frame systems?
With the continuous development of steel structure building, more and more buildings will use multi-storey steel structure to build. The multi-storey steel structure needs to use steel skeleton as load-bearing system to bear the weight of various dir...
What are the steel structures?
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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